New York medical alerts systems, in the old days only required plan old telephone service. So, if your elderly mom who recently got out of rehab because she broke her hip as a result of a fall, wanted a medic alert button, all she needed was a phone. That was in the late seventies and for most the next thirty five years, it stayed that way.
Life alert systems in the twenty first century have evolved. There are now medical alert systems that do not require a landline. These types of medic alert devices use cell towers instead of phone lines. Theses kinds of medical alarms must be used by those seniors who have disposed of their landline. So the good new is you no longer need a land line. The bad news is there are places in New York state that have either spotty or no cell coverage. Most of the areas that do not have adequate cell service are located in the northeast quadrant of the state. As a general statement, those residents of New York that live north of Albany and east of Buffalo may have issues with cellular medical alerts.
Mobile medical alert systems will have the same issues as the cellular devices in terms of coverage with the added consideration of access to the global positioning satellites. The GPS component may not impact those elderly residents of Northeastern New York State (the cellular issue still remains) but will certainly impact those residents of New York’s big cities. Medic alerts for people on the go in big cities have issues with location detection because of the density of tall buildings. These building hinder access to GPS thereby diminishing the likelihood of a correct location being detected.
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Life Alert ® is a registered trademark of Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc.
Lifeline ® is a registered trademark of Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
MedicAlert ® is a U.S. registered trademark and service mark of MedicAlert Foundation