Think about the answers to the following questions. These questions may be valuable to you not only in determining your specific risks, they also may help you decide whether or not you should have a medical alarm device.Do you live alone or are you alone for many hours at a time?
Have you ever fallen or do you have a fear about falling when you are home alone?
Have you ever had a stroke or heart attack?
Do you have diabetes?
Is your speech impaired in such a way that you would be difficult to understand at the time of an emergency?
Are you on oxygen or do you have problems breathing due to asthma or emphysema?
How is your walking?
Do you need a cane or a walker to help you get around safely?
Are you taking more than three medications on a daily basis?
Are you able to bathe or shower without assistance?
Are you able to dress yourself without help from others?
Can you prepare your own meals?
Would you feel safer if you had a medical alert device such as Vital-Link?
Would a medical alarm system provide some comfort for your children or the other people that love and care about you?
How much value do you attach to being able to stay in your own home and live there safely?
There is no right or wrong score. The questions above are meant to be food for thought. If you answered yes to any of these questions then it might be the right time to strongly consider subscribing to a medical alert service such as Vital-Link.
Ultimately, the question that needs to be answered is: What would you do if you got sick or had an accident or to use the hackneyed phrase “I’ve fallen and can’t get up” … and were unable to get to the phone to call for help? If the answer to this question gives you pause for concern, then maybe its time for a PERS (PERS stands for Personal Emergency Response System … it is just an industry and healthcare term for a medical alarm or medical alert device). Click here to learn more about the Vital-Link Emergency Response Medical Alarms.